고산 정글 Mihi 부족, Kora 마을에서 보내 드리는 소식입니다.
14명의 제자들입니다. 그 중 10명은 글을 읽고 쓰게 되었습니다. 16명의 제자 중 2명은 떠났습니다. 14명중 나머지 4명은 원을 그리면 손보다 몸이 먼저 움직이며 원을 그린답니다. 기본 모음인 a,e,i,o,u 다섯 자를 배우는 데만 6개월이 걸렸습니다. 아직 많이 힘들어 하지만 한 음절 한 음절 자음과 합하여 읽기 시작하고 있습니다. 말씀 안에서의 제자들의 변화와 간증은 성령이 함께 하시는 놀라운 증거들입니다. 이들은 번역된 성경을 가슴에 품고 저 정글 속 아직도 복음을 듣지 못하고 죽음의 공포에 시달리고 있는 30여개의 다른 씨족 마을 형제들을 찾아가 복음을 전하고 교회를 세울 것입니다. 하나님의 말씀을 번역하는 일에 자신들이 쓰임 받고 있다는 큰 기쁨으로 저희를 도와 번역을 하고 있습니다.
여러 가지 사역이 동시에 진행 중에 있습니다.
장소가 마땅하지 않아 불편하였는데 넓고 밝은 새로운 사무실을 지어 기쁜 마음으로 사역을 진행하고 있습니다.
1). 철자 교육(Literacy Class): 그 동안 만들어 놓은 글자를 가르치는 사역(Literacy)은 제자들이 스스로 다른 마을 사람들을 가르칠 수 있도록 6권의 철자교재를 완료하였으며 교안은 부족 미히 언어로 번역이 되어 추가로 인쇄를 할 것입니다. 그리고 일반 부족 형제들을 위한 3개월 과정의 철자 학교는 내년에 시작할 예정입니다.
2) 성경 공부(Bible Study): 성경 공부는 연대기적 성경공부
교안을 부족 언어로 번역 중에 있으며 일정 양이 번역이 되면 불특정 부족 형제들에게 가르치게 될 것입니다.
창세기 37장에서 46장(요셉 이야기)이는 별도의 이야기 책
으로 발행 할 예정입니다. 성경을 부족언어로 번역이 되면
다시 영어로 역 번역(Back To English)을 해야 합니다.
주님께서 저희에게 손녀 딸을 주셨습니다. 할아버지, 할머니가 되었습니다.
지난 8월15일에 태어났는데 저희가 정글에서 그 동안 소식을 전해 드리지 못했습니다. 벌써 한 달이 되었습니다. 이름은 문 봄입니다.
9월 24일에 저의 인공 대동맥의 정기 검사를 하기 위하여 호주에 가면 만나 볼 수 있어 큰 기대와 감사와 기쁨으로 가득 합니다.
저희와 부족 형제들은 지속적인 사랑의 기도와 후원이 필요합니다.
감사 제목
1. 제자들이 믿음과 신앙이 말씀으로 성장하게 하심을 감사합니다.
2. 구약성경번역이 열정과 열심으로 잘 진행하게 하심을 감사합니다.
3. 2곳의 씨족 대표가 멀리서 찾아와 글자와 하나님의 말씀을 배우고 싶다며 빨리 자신들의 마을에 와서 말씀을 가르쳐 달라고 전하고 떠났습니다. 말씀을 사모하는 열정을 주심을 감사합니다.
4. 주일 예배에 참석하는 많은 형제들이 예배와 말씀 공부를 통하여 복음을 듣고 구원 받을 수 있도록 성령께서 인도하심을 감사합니다.
5. 성민이와 숙희 사이에 건강한 봄이가 태어나게 하시고 저희에게도 큰 기쁨을 주심을 감사합니다.
6. 성민이와 성훈이, 둘째 며느리 은실이가 어려운 사회 생활에서 잘 적응하게 하심을 감사합니다.
7. 일년간 저희의 건강을 지켜 주셔서 부족에서 사역을 잘 감당하게 하심을 감사합니다.
기도 제목
1. 하나님을 경외하는 주일 예배와 말씀을 사모하는 열정이 성령의 인도로 충만하도록 기도해 주십시오.
2. 14명의 제자는 물론 예배에 성도들이 믿음과 신앙이 말씀 안에서 더 강건해 지도록 기도해 주십시오
3. 다른 마을로 복음 전하러 갈 제자들이 성령의 인도로 생겨 날 수 있도록 기도해 주십시오.
4. 구약 번역과 영어로 다시 번역하는 일이 잘 마치게 하시고 번역에 지혜를 주시기를 기도해 주십시오.
5. 각종 교과서와 교안 그리고 성경 공부 교재 그리고 성경 이야기 책의 인쇄에 필요한 물질이 필요를 따라 준비 될 수 있도록 기도해 주십시오.
6. 파푸아뉴기니 정글에 한국 성도가 세우는 최초의 교회 성전을 세우고자 합니다. 9월에 건축 부지를 개간하고 지진이 많은 지역이라 땅을 깊게 파고 철 기둥을 세우는 것부터 시작 할 것입니다. 건축을 위한 부지는 코라 부족과 리보레 부족 사이의 산 능선의 넓은 공간을 부족 성도들의 열망과 기대로 마을 추장 아모라 오파나가 하나님께 드렸습니다. 자신의 산에 있는 모든 나무를 하나님의 집을 짓는데 내어준 오노하의 마지막 유언을 따라 가족들은 기다리고 있으며, 정글의 부족 교회를 세우기를 열망하는 성도들의 기도와 사랑의 헌금으로 진행 되고 있습니다. 오직 믿음(By faith) 안에서 기도하며 순종하며 교회 건축에 필요한 모든 것이 잘 준비 될 수 있도록 기도하고 있습니다. 한 장 한 장의 벽돌이 쌓이듯 믿음과 사랑의 손길로 믿음 안에서 진행되기를 기도해 주십시오. 이 교회는 32개 씨족의 2만여명의 부족 사람들에게 제자들이 복음을 전하는 중심 교회가 될 것입니다. (정글의 큰 나무를 자르고 건축 자재로 만들 건축에 필요한 많은 장비들과 손길이 필요합니다.(대형 Chain sawmill, Power Tools, Hand Tools)
7. 저희 건강을 위하여 기도해 주십시오. 장기간 혈관, 심장, 당료, 고혈압 약을 복용하여 약간의 부작용이 있는데 저의 건강과 이민아 선교사 갑상선을 위하여 기도해 주십시오.
잊혀진 영혼을 구원하는 이 사역은 우리를 구원하신 예수 그리스도의 명령이며 바로 지체된 기도의 일꾼들의 사역입니다. 주님과 연합된 성도의 믿음의 자랑이며 열매로써 상급이 될 것입니다.
저희는 다만 도구일 뿐입니다. Together for God’s glory!
E-Mail: seongnmina_mun@ntm.org (메일로 연락을 주시면 바로 답을 드리겠습니다.)
선교헌금주소: Seong & Mina Mun,New Tribes Mission,1000 East First Street,Sanford
FL 32771-1487
Papua New Guinea, Mihi 부족, Kora 마을에서 문 성, 이 민아 올림
Greetings to you from the mountaintop covered with clouds in the morning and evening.
We trust you are encouraged in the Lord. Our hearts are full of thankfulness for your love, prayers and care for us. Truly we are laborers together with Him. We know that we are in your hearts, as you are in ours. We came out from the bush to participate in NTM highlands conference so I am thankful again that I can write this letter under the bright light in town. We have missed the sunshine in our mountain home. It was our first experience of living in the clouds and the fog for 7 weeks straight. We praise the Lord for His beautiful creation where we live in the mountains, enjoying the clouds and rains among the trees in the thick bush. It is great to begin the day with God! We don’t need to see the clock to find out the time as “esala” a chirring of cicada in chorus always wakes us up when they start to sing around 5:30am. Sing a new song in the morning, join the glad woods, mountains and the fresh winds and sing my first song to God as we face God at the dawn. We look into our Lord’s face through quiet moments with our hearts turned to God. We meet Him with His open Book of counsel. Let Him take our first walk with God let Him go forth with us.
I was suffering from the stomach pain and constipation because of lack of fiber. I lost 9kg within 5 months. Even when I’ve been weak, to the place of tears, I’ve found rest. I’m simply to trust and obey, to be still and know He is God. The Lord has strengthened me and given me wisdom as to how to manage till medicine could come into the bush by plane. We bow to divine Sovereignty, submit to infinite wisdom, and are silent, waiting on the Lord’s time.
I was joyfully working hard as long as the computer batteries permitted work on the translation, but I realized I was running and pressing myself to climb this rough mountain trying to reach the summit as soon as possible. God taught me, again, about trusting and praying. My body needed rest and small, frequent nourishment. The Lord has sent us sunshine to warm our hearts and dried out the atmosphere and made our solar panels work too. It is PNG’s winter-like dry season and we live in the clouds, but the Lord shines His love into our hearts and warms our souls and strengthened us with His Word during those difficult days.
I have learned, through struggles, the Lord will cause fruitfulness to come out of a barren time—even to suffering. Though serving the Mihi people with tiredness, from long hours of doing/serving, as well as the financial burden that continues, our hearts serve joyfully and with a grateful spirit for the opportunity to grow in Christ and draw closer to Him through it all. We do trust that we may continue to experience the Lord’s strength and sufficiency and His abundant joy as we keep on with translation, literacy, medical service and being involved in the Mihi people’s lives on a daily basis, day in day out.
Page 1
Story in the village
Most of the translation helper’s wives told us that their husband’s life style, their way of thinking and attitude is changing amazingly after they have been involved with work on the translation. According to their culture, husbands don’t help their wives work, but now they are willing to help and show their love and care toward their children and wives.
One of translation helpers, Kunai, could’ve killed his neighbor’s pig that had eaten up all his sweet potatoes in his garden, which is their main staple food, but peacefully, he handled the situation without fighting or killing the pig. It is hard for the people to get rid of their ancestor’s culture even though they know it is not good. Most women still are not allowed to go to the garden or cook for the family during their time of menstruation. Men still believe that eating their food may make them sick and die and that their muscles could become weaker, so they can be defeated at tribal war.
Doing without love.
Three weeks ago one of our translation helper’s father, an old village man, passed away from an illness he suffered from for many years. He used to come to our place to get medicine. His son, a translation helper, came to us in the morning to let us know of his father’s death, and asked many things for his father’s funeral. Seong has prepared shovels to dig ground, a saw and an axe to cut the trees and hammer and nails to make a coffin box. He gave him a large-size tarp for mourners and strong, long rope to hold the coffin to let it go down into the ground. I prepared an old bed sheet to cover the dead body, salt and vegetable oil for food, matches for the kerosene lamp for the mourners in his hut and soap for bathing, after mourning, to clean up the clay and mud on their faces and body. I prepared things that he needed and sent him home, but one thing I didn’t give him was the love of God.
Tears of confession I looked back on the day, how much I was working for God, or was trying to please Him, rather than just walking with God. I couldn’t sleep at night because all of sudden, sad tears burst out and I couldn’t stop tears flowing down my face. Tears that God wanted me to shed, to see myself, and realize again who I am. I am a hopeless sinner, as I couldn’t shed a tear for another’s death. This man was not my father and was not related to me. I stood up before God and prayed for forgiveness for my selfishness. I was thankful that He wiped away my tears of confession. Page 2
Tears of the lost soul
It was the first time I had shed tears for a lost soul. My heart was aching for those who died without Christ. I have faced many deaths in the village in past years, babies, young and old. They died without knowing Christ, but I was callous to the deaths of others. I was sad and comforted them but without true love. Thankfully, our Lord Christ Jesus has poured out His tears in me for the lost soul, as He died for them. I shed tears with true love and compassion for the lost soul.
Tears of joy
Mercifully, God helped me to change my sad tears to joyful tears as I was standing before Christ remembering what He had done for me. My Lord held my hand and took me to Calvary’s Mountain to see Christ Jesus, who died on the cross for me. It was a sleepless night. Next morning I shared my testimony to our translation helpers with joyful tears. God had reminded and showed me, again, through the death of this old man, who I am, a hopeless sinner who was saved only by God’s grace. We all went back to Calvary to meet Christ and thanked God for His mercy and grace.
Every Friday we show all our translation helpers visual material, like scriptural DVD’s or pictures. Showing the story of Creation, and other visual materials, help them to understand much better the Bible story chronologically. There will be a TTW (Team Translation Workshop) at NTM highlands HQ from the 1st of October until the 15th. Three of our translation helpers will be participating in the TTW in their trade-language session. They are excited—their heart flutters in anticipation just like a little child can’t wait to go for the first day of school. We have organized for them to fly in & out by NTM aircraft rather than hiking. We provided the backpacks, clothes and shoes, pens and papers, etc. We are sure they will learn a lot, which will be helpful for Bible translation in the village. They will be proud of themselves.
Yet, it’s a challenge to keep working on translation in a busy, busy household. We serve the helpers food and drink every day, and we also have people coming for medical help. I am blessed to teach some guys how to play the guitar and key board, which can be powered with batteries. They love to sing, and they harmonize beautifully together. However, with good translation helpers, we look forward to the day when there are Mihi believers, and we will know it was all worth it. He has called us, and He will continue to equip and enable us to keep on, one day at a time. The way to peace is to accept every circumstance—every trial, straight from the hand of a loving Father, the Giver of good.
What a day of rejoicing August, 15 was. We became grandparents! Our granddaughter’s name is Skyey(skaii) Bom Mun. Skyey is an adjective and the meaning is a high sky or the vault of heaven and the middle name Bom is spring time in Korean. We thank God for this special gift and for His love and care for Geoffrey and Stephanie as they hold their precious baby daughter and experience joy and delight in Him. We are already dreaming of her growing as the Holy Spirit leads her, each step with care in God’s love. She will hear Mama and Papa’s prayers. Page 3
She will learn how to fold her hands to pray at bed time, meal time and anytime. She will ask “Mama, Papa pray for me.” She will learn how to sing “Jesus Loves Me this I know.” And she will learn how to say “Amen.” What excites us most is that she will know our great God and our precious Savior Jesus Christ. That is the only reason she came to the earth by His grace.
Joshua and Sally walk with the Lord as Joshua enjoys his new product design company and Sally loves to design various clothes and accessories and travels to England for her design company. Her thyroid is not working properly. As she can be treated, we trust this will prepare her for pregnancy. Pray for them as they desire to have a child.
We appreciate your prayers:
As we travel for Seong’s and my medical checkups and short visit to see our first granddaughter.
For the Lord to continue to open the eyes and hearts of the Mihi people.
For us as we press forward in preparing to teach literacy.
For translation of the Bible and the literacy teacher’s manual in the Mihi language.
For work on the back-to-English translation and for our meeting with a translation consultant in November.
For translation helpers, that they walk close with the Lord and grow in the grace and knowledge of Him.
God is beginning a harvest and you are a part of it!
We have grateful hearts because we have friends like you that we can share His story in our lives. We continue to thank the Lord for each one of you and the part you have in our lives, and indirectly those He brings into our lives as we journey with Him.
Until they can be saved! Seong and Mina
E-Mail: seongnmina_mun@ntm.org
Seong & Mina Mun, New Tribes Mission, 1000 East First Street, Sanford, FL 32771-1487