Rick\’s recovery weeks 11-12
My 10 days home passed with lightening speed. It seemed as if my days ran togather. I am happy to report that I got most of my list finished. It was good to sleep in my bed for a few nights and to love on My Jordan. Things are now shinny, clean and organized.
Ramps were put up at the house and Servicemen Center while I was home. Then the boxes of medical supplies and equipment started to arrive. Our guest room has been transformed.
Jordan and I set out Wednesday afternoon (8/10) for Houston. We arrived very late Wednesday night and quickly headed to bed to face the busy day that lay ahead of us. Thursday did not let us down as far as being busy. Jordan had not seen Rick since Fathers Day and was surprised by his improvements. This was the first time for him to watch Rick\’s therapy and pool training. While in Houston we were able to stay in an Apartment that is within the hospital. It is designed to simulate living at home. This was good for us to try out our newly learned skills. Rick did very good on our 2 night stay there.
We were also able to go to the Museum of Natural Science and out to dinner on Saturday. Then off to Church again on Sunday. It was very good for Rick to get out of the Hospital. Trips out take a bit more planning but we all did very well.
On Thursday we had our meeting with the doctors and staff. They feel Rick is right on track with his recovery. At that time they felt that he would be in the hospital for 2 to 3 more weeks. Then in 4 to 6 months they will bring him back for more training.
Rick\’s left leg is starting to move more and getting stronger. As a result of this they have been working more on standing and taking steps. He was measured for a leg brace that will assist in this. When he goes home he will continue to work on standing and taking steps.
Sunday evening Jordan and I headed back home. I returned to Houston Monday afternoon. Over the next week I need to make few trips back and forth for appointments. By Sunday I will be back in Houston to wait out the rest of Rick\’s hospital stay.
Rick\’s health is continuing to get better. He is still doing 5 hours of Therapy a day and doing well. A month ago 2 hours wore him out but now his endurance has increased . Both of his legs now have movement. Right is still better and stronger than the left. His back and leg muscles need to get a lot stronger for him to be able to walk on his own. He as been taking steps between the parallel bars with help. We feel it is just a matter of time before he will be walking on his won. I say a matter of time, this could be 6 months to a year. We are just trusting God for his timing in his recovery.
Thank you for your continued prayers and calls. Please continue to pray that we will always be faithful to see the doors that the Lord has opened for us. As well as share God\’s love with those He has place in our path. God is good all the time and in all things.
Joyfully Serving